Good! People around the world need to understand religion 

is a thing of the primitive people, if all of us just could come

to a neutral position on this issue of religion and leave their

superstitious beliefs behind, then, the world would be a 

safer place, and a more cultured society to live, please do

continue the spreading of it.

Science can tell us so much about any subject or concept so 

why do people still hang on to superstition and irrational 

thought? One can only hope that in the future, we abandon

things like the bible and people stop claiming to know things 

that aren't scientifically validated.

The reason why people cling to religion is because the universe is a dark, cold, meaningless, loveless place. It is hopeless, vicious, uncaring and terrifying. And then you die, and as Sam Harris put it, all that's left is a dial tone. Children are tortured to death daily. People live  despairing lives. Religious people want to believe there's hope out there, somewhere, somehow. That what's wrong will be made right.

I don't believe it either. But I can understand why someone would want to.


  1. I'm not sure I understand your argument. You say you want people to only believe what can be validated by science. But surely you recognise that the scientific method rests on a number of premises that are philosophical in nature and which can't be scientifically validated.

  2. Science does not rest only rest on premises that are philosophical in nature, science goes further to examine the facts or evidence. You seem not to understand the nature of the scientific method. You have some unstated assumptions that science does not look at empirical evidence.
